Hormonal Forecaster

The Hormonal Forecaster is a software tool that facilitates fertility charting using natural family planning techniques. It is widely used by women trying to achieve or avoid pregnancy. The software works by plotting and analyzing recorded symptoms to calculate ovulation. This information can then be used to help couples achieve their goals.

The Hormonal Forecaster uses powerful patent-pending techniques to analyze and depict fertility information. Since its initial release in 1999, the software has been downloaded thousands of times. Copies of the software have been purchased in over 60 different countries. Many women have had great success with the software. The original desktop software has expanded into a family of products which now includes PDA and Smartphone versions for Palm and Windows CE devices, an online web version of the software, and the original desktop application.

More information regarding the Hormonal Forecaster including download links to evaluate a free trial of the software are available on its website: